Friday, September 6, 2013

Flower Crown Tutorial

Since Lana Del Rey's Born To Die music video, I have been completely in love with flower crowns. I think they are such a chic way to accessories an outfit and they are a perfect compliment to the lovely spring weather Australia is getting right now. 

So here is an easy and inexpensive DIY to make your very own flowercrown!

What you will need:
  • Silk or fabric flowers, assorted in size (I used pastel roses)
  • Florist Wire (you can buy these in pre-cut packets)
  • Pliers (optional)
  • Ribbon

Step 1: First, create two loops at one end of both your pieces of floral wire (If you wire is not pre-cut, cut two pieces of approximately 45cm). Measure the wire around your head, making sure you hold the loops together. Twist over the excess.

Step 2: Split the large flowers into two groups and twist their stems together, creating a semi-circle. I found it helpful to use pliers to clamp the ends together. 

Step 3: Wrap the flowers around the wire and add the smaller flowers, leaves, etc.

Step 4: Pull a ribbon through the loops and tie a knot or bow. Place the crown on your head and tie a secure bow with the remaining ribbon.

And voila! You are finished!

I hope this tutorial proved helpful.
This project took me less than half an hour and cost me under $10. I bought all my supplies from Spotlight. 
I hope y'all have a good weekend! 

Bye for now,
-A xx