Friday, September 6, 2013

Flower Crown Tutorial

Since Lana Del Rey's Born To Die music video, I have been completely in love with flower crowns. I think they are such a chic way to accessories an outfit and they are a perfect compliment to the lovely spring weather Australia is getting right now. 

So here is an easy and inexpensive DIY to make your very own flowercrown!

What you will need:
  • Silk or fabric flowers, assorted in size (I used pastel roses)
  • Florist Wire (you can buy these in pre-cut packets)
  • Pliers (optional)
  • Ribbon

Step 1: First, create two loops at one end of both your pieces of floral wire (If you wire is not pre-cut, cut two pieces of approximately 45cm). Measure the wire around your head, making sure you hold the loops together. Twist over the excess.

Step 2: Split the large flowers into two groups and twist their stems together, creating a semi-circle. I found it helpful to use pliers to clamp the ends together. 

Step 3: Wrap the flowers around the wire and add the smaller flowers, leaves, etc.

Step 4: Pull a ribbon through the loops and tie a knot or bow. Place the crown on your head and tie a secure bow with the remaining ribbon.

And voila! You are finished!

I hope this tutorial proved helpful.
This project took me less than half an hour and cost me under $10. I bought all my supplies from Spotlight. 
I hope y'all have a good weekend! 

Bye for now,
-A xx

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

numéro un

I'm not sure how to start this post, but it's my first, so who cares? Right?
First of all I'd like to introduce myself.
I'm Amie, an Australian high school student who adores bonsai, white leather and anything to do with mountains, forests or snow.

I also don't know where this blog is going to go or what its going to turn into but at this point in time I plan that it will be a 'personal fashion journal', which will include trends, favourites, daily looks and that sort of thing. You'll probably see a whole lot of photography and travel journals too because I am always wanderlust and I can't put down my camera (I swear it's glued to my hands).

Nevertheless, I do hope this blog proves to be an inspiration for others and that all enjoy it.